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jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

♠Otros datos de Jiro Wang♠

Temas (soundtracks) de doramas:

* Fahrenheit - Yue Lai Yue Ai (越來越愛) Loving More and More, ToGetHer (2009)
* Fahrenheit - Mo Mo (默默) Silently, ToGetHer (2009)
* Fahrenheit - Dong Mai (動脈) Artery, Mysterious Incredible Terminator (2008)
* Fahrenheit - Heng Xing (恆星) Star, Rolling Love (2008)
* Fahrenheit & S.H.E - Xin Wo, Romantic Princess (2007)
* WU LA BA HA, The X-Family (2007)
* Zai Shui Yi Fang, The X-Family (2007)
* Fahrenheit - Bu Hui Ai, The X-Family (2007)
* Fahrenheit - Chu Shen Ru Hua, The X-Family (2007)
* Fahrenheit - Chao Xi Huan Ni, Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu (2006)
* Fahrenheit & Hebe Tian - Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue, Tokyo Juliet (2006)
* Fahrenheit - Yi Ge Ren Liu Lang, KO One (2005)

Videos en los que participo:

* Drink More Water (多喝水)
* Po Mi Veggie Drink (菠蜜果菜汁)
* Naoni Kino & Akihedeki Nimura (木野直仁 & 村明秀)

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